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isolation thoughts - pt.1

So like most of the world currently, I am in isolation - for almost four weeks to be exact. With having four weeks worth of time on my hands, I've had A LOT of time time to simply just think. I've come to terms with a new lifestyle; a new way of living. The past four weeks have had its series of ups and downs, which is obviously completely expected given the circumstances. There have been multiple times over the past four weeks where I've wanted to throw in the towel, where I've burst into tears because I have been so frustrated over literally the smallest things. I've never been more thankful for such a period of time to simply just be with myself and my own thoughts so here's a few;

YOU'RE ALLOWED TO FEEL THINGS - it's okay to have moments where you let your emotions completely take over. Have your moment of anger, frustration, sadness or uncertainty. Figure out why you were feeling that way. Talk about it (PLEASE!). Accept it and start again.

APPRECIATE WHAT AND WHO YOU HAVE - we complain about not being able to physically see the people that we care about. Be thankful that you have the people that you can even FaceTime. Not everyone is fortunate enough to go through this time with people around them and those that they care about. Don't take them for granted.

DON'T ABUSE THE TIME THAT YOU HAVE - You always have time. Don't waste it writhing in what could have been or what could be. Take that time to spend it with the people you care about most. Take the time to do something that you've always wanted to do. Time is precious.

BE PATIENT - Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason. Just because someone has something or has experienced something that you want, it doesn't mean that it isn't going to happen for you. You're allowed to want things. You're allowed to be envious but you have to be patient - it is a virtue.

EVALUATE WHAT YOU WANT - Take the time to truly figure out what it is that you want in your life right now. It may not be what you initially thought - GROWTH.

As much as this time tucked away in my wee bubble has been a curse, it has also been an absolute blessing. I'm learning more and more about myself every day as this time goes on so I think part two will soon be in the making. Until then...

Stay safe and look after each other.


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