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what a plot twist you were.

I moved here just over three and a half months ago to hit the reset button. We'd been talking for a while but our paths never crossed until that day. That day was a blessing. We ran up to each other like it was something out of a movie. Since then we've kind of been inseparable.

What a plot twist you were.

In the short time that you've been in my life, you know it all, you've seen it all. When we first met, I was close to being done. I kept falling over and over again and you were always there to catch me. You never gave up on me, even when I was ready to give up on myself. My black hole was wide open and I was ready to be swallowed whole by it - you weren't going to let me and I trusted in that. I trusted you. I don't trust anyone.

What a plot twist you were.

In the past three and a half months of knowing you, I've learnt so much. I've learnt that people come and go but it's the true ones that stick around - and you, my friend, are true one. I'm still trying to get over my past - but I will tell you this, you and your golden heart have made it so much easier and for that, I will be forever grateful for what we have.

What a plot twist you were.

Thank you for the late-night chats.

Thank you for the pep talks.

Thank you for listening to me when I'm breaking down.

Thank you for helping me see my worth.

Thank you for staying longer than you have too.

Thank you for seeing me behind my mask.

Thank you for coming back when I've pushed you away.

Thank you for reminding me to cling to what is good.

Thank you for bringing me back down to earth when I'm about to lose oxygen.

Thank you for being the sunshine when its pouring rain.

Thank you for teaching me that even broken things can be loved.

Thank you for being the best plot twist ever.


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