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isolation thoughts - pt.2

To ring in the last week of isolation here is round 2 of what's been going on in this brain of mine. This one is a little more personal so please be kind.

LISTEN - listen to those who care about you because sometimes they know you better than you know yourself.

LET PEOPLE IN - I've always been someone who struggles to let people help me, but I've learnt in this time to let people in. Sometimes you think you can get through some things on your own but you're allowed to lean on people when it gets too much. Know you're own limits. It doesn't hurt to let people in.

SEE THE GOOD - As hard as time can be, try to always see the good in everything. Know that things will get better if you allow them too.

WEAK TIMES DON'T MAKE YOU WEAK - In hard and weak times, you too can feel weak but you are a lot stronger than you think you are.

THEY'RE IN YOUR LIFE FOR A REASON - People don't come into your life because you want them. It's because you need them. You need them to help you, to hurt you, to love you, to leave you and to help you become a better version of yourself.


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